Part of my training routine!

So I recently moved to LA and had to get a new trainer. I actually really like this guy (another straight guy unfortunately). He has put in some real aggressive new stuff into my workouts! kicks my ass! Here is a video of him performing one of the workouts I have to do every week.

I’m not nearly as good at it as he is, but I try 🙂

About Paul Wagner

The non typical porn actor. Sharing my work and my life with people who wanna know!
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11 Responses to Part of my training routine!

  1. I know this would kick my butt all over the place. I’m sure it won’t take you long to do this with no problem. Have fun in your new digs of LA. Cheers

  2. Fumi says:

    WOW! You have to do that every week?
    It looks really hard training!!
    You already have perfect body(at least for me) and you don’t need to be sexier than now, but I think you want to have more muscle. 🙂
    I really wonder how sexy you are in person…
    I wish I could meet you sometime, maybe next time I visit America since I want to visit LA also if I will have chance.
    I will keep my fingers crossed that I would see you somewhere in LA if I visit. 🙂

  3. Now you have to post a video doing yourself these exercises

  4. BrucknerL.A. says:

    So how’s L.A. treating you so far? Have you made any friends? (WeHo can be a little daunting with its superficiality.) Have you checked out the scene yet in Silverlake? Be careful of the bears though -they just might eat you. Lol. Enjoy the city, it’s very exciting -except the traffic. Best decision I’ve ever made moving down here -never get tired of it.

  5. CM says:

    Wow! Looks like tough drill!

  6. Fabian says:

    Hello Paul.. how are you? man looks great trainning .. now I see why such great result after seeing you last time .. hope all is well. take care. Fabian from Saint Petersburg Fl.

  7. Joey says:

    Just saw your pictures at Randy Blue………You look great….WOW!!!!!!! Yum, Yum……Happy Birthday too…….

  8. Laura says:

    Rather you than me! The Monster walk looks fun, might try that!

  9. Raul says:

    I actually know this guy. A friend of a friend. I was hoping he was gay too, but alas, no.

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